Press and Radio Quotes
No matter how Brenken played around the original material, varied it or improvised over it, it was enchanting.
Christoph Giese, Buersche Zeitung
This music rewards repeated listening with the discovery of many new facets. Highly recommended!
Hans-Bernd Kittlaus, Jazz Podium
Brenken effortlessly takes it up with great pianists like Oscar Peterson, without copying their styles. Outrageously good!
Nina Schröder, Blue Night Club, das Radio, Bochum
"Raus ausm Bett" (Get Outta Bed), "Durch den Regen fahren" (Riding Though the Rain), "Erbse im Holzhaufen" (Pea in a Wood Pile) - these are typical titles of compositions by contemporary German jazz musicians. But when they characterize the atmosphere of the music in such an appropriate way, there's only one option left: smile, feel comfortable and let yourself go.
Claus Kohlmann, Trend
As unusual as Brenken's body language are his musical short stories – stories that characterize him as a most enjoyable author.
Klaus-Peter Heß, Münstersche Zeitung
fabulous piano magic
Sven Thielmann, WAZ
surprising developments and turning points – even after listening for a long time
Stefan Pieper, JazzZeitung
un jazz d’une autre dimension
Jean-Georges Prince, L’Orient – Le Jour
honest jazz, rooted in the tradition without quoting it unconsidered (…) an exciting musical journey that offers quite a few discoveries
Stefan Herkenrath, Westfälische Nachrichten